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What Is Fixed Wireless Broadband

What Is Fixed Wireless Broadband
Posted by Robert M.

What is Fixed Wireless Broadband? 

     When people hear the word fixed wireless internet, they associate "wireless" with mobile devices or Wi-Fi. We would like to give you a description of fixed wireless services are and how they will benefit your internet needs. 

     Fixed wireless broadband is a type of high-speed internet that is an alternative solution to fiber, DSL, and cable. This type of service has been growing popularity with the results of reliability and security that fixed wireless provides. 

Fixed wireless installation is simple and easy to use.

     The installation consists of transmission towers (sometimes call AP or access points) that communicate with each other and with the client's receiver. The client's receiver varies in size and shape but not to be confused with satellite internet which sends communication to outer space. Fixed wireless receivers only communicate with the transmission towers (AP's).  

     What really matters is uptime, packet delivery, and latency; a crucial component for any active internet users. The uptime and packet delivery for fixed wireless is above 99% and average 15 ms on latency.


Fixed Wireless is perfect for:

  • Casual internet usage
  • Sending and receiving business documents
  • Video streaming
  • Online gaming, and much more.  

If you would like to know more information about Fixed Wireless Broadband, please contact one of our representaives 24/7 via email at or give us a call at 702.900.0000. 

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