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Private Networks, Virtual Private Networks, and Microwave Connections

Private Networks, Virtual Private Networks, and Microwave Connections

Private networks can link computers and devices in a Local Area Network (LAN) that is limited to a user’s own computers and devices. A private network can be more secure than a network that uses the Internet, because a private network does not normally have Internet access and there is less of an opportunity for an unauthorized person to use an Internet connection to attempt to access a private network’s internal computers and devices.

A private point-to-point network can have more consistent performance in the case where accessing and using the Internet is less reliable than a direct point-to-point connection. Private point-to-point networks can be cost effective and flexible, especially when using microwave broadcast to connect point-to-point systems wirelessly. Private networks can provide for data, voice, and video requirements.

Virtual private networks (VPN) that use an Internet connection instead of a point-to-point private connection are useful network options. A virtual private network extends beyond a private intranet and into public networks. Virtual private networks use the Internet to create a secure connection from a user’s equipment to third party servers or hosts. When using the Internet to establish a secure connection, virtual private networks use tunneling protocols that encrypt the transmission, a security protocol that encrypts the signal’s data within the tunnel, or a combination of both. This protects from other’s viewing the transmission, creating a secure, private link utilizing the Internet. Virtual private networks can be more cost effective than a non-Internet based private network, because VPNs use the Internet to link computers and equipment and VPNs do not always require custom installation of equipment or fixed costs associated with private point-to-point networks such as leased lines. VPNs can provide high speeds and support VoIP requirements.

LV.Net’s microwave systems can link any two locations in the Las Vegas area. A microwave connection can provide speeds up to 1 Gbps (Gigabit per second) and is not difficult to install. Microwave systems provide reliable, consistent performance for any internet requirement, effectively replacing the need for fiber cable, if desired. Microwave networks make good redundant back-up systems for any currently installed fiber cable network. Microwave systems work well for both private point-to-point networks as well as for internet access for VPNs.

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