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What does the term 'Wi-Fi' Stand for?

What does the term 'Wi-Fi' Stand for?

Trick question! It doesn't stand for anything. It is not an acronym and it is not in the dictionary.

The founding members of the Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance which is now called the “Wi-Fi Alliance”, actually hired Interbrand, a global brand consulting agency, to come up with the name and logo that they could use for an interoperability seal and marketing effort. "IEEE 802.11b Direct Sequence" just wasn’t catchy enough to market to the world.

Wi-Fi is a technology that utilizes radio waves to provide network connectivity. Wi-Fi connections use a wireless router to establish a ‘hot spot’ where users can connect to the internet wirelessly. While the wireless router is an essential part of Wi-Fi, you’ll also need a lightning fast connection to the internet. That’s where LV.Net comes in. Our most basic services include everything you need to set-up your Wi-Fi enabled router in both your home and your business. With our AirNet service, you won’t even need your own router! Give LV.Net a call at 702.900.0000! Our specialists are available 24/7/365 to help you out!

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